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Yes to wind power in the Waldviertel region

3 out of 5 municipalities vote in favor of wind energy in the referendum

03/2024 - Back to overview

The residents of five municipalities in the district of Waidhofen/Thaya were called upon to vote on the future of wind power in their towns on Sunday, March 10, 2024. WEB Windenergie AG (W.E.B), the project sponsor based in the Waldviertel region, welcomes the vote in favor from three municipalities. 

The residents have come to a decision: the municipalities of Karlstein, Thaya and Waidhofen an der Thaya (town) will expand their wind power capacities as an alternative and renewable form of energy for the future. The municipalities of Groß-Siegharts and Waidhofen an der Thaya Land voted against the planned wind power projects. 

“We welcome the clear ‘yes’ in Karlstein, Thaya and Waidhofen Stadt, and would like to thank everyone who voted in favor of wind power and thus for sustainable, clean, and regional electricity,” says Arnold Kainz, Head of Project Development Austria at W.E.B. 

“In the eyes of W.E.B, there can be no doubt that we need to expand wind power to achieve the energy transition,” adds Beate Zöchmeister, Head of Communications at W.E.B. “Operating both in Austria and around the world, W.E.B will continue to develop new wind and photovoltaic power plants, and contribute to securing our energy future with clean, regionally produced electricity. Thanks to the vote, we are particularly happy to realize projects in our home district.”

The people have decided. Now it’s up to the municipal councils and the federal province of Lower Austria to conclude the ongoing revision of the zoning scheme, so the undisputedly necessary expansion of wind energy can become a reality.