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W.E.B Stock Split Carried Out

06/2021 - Back to overview

stock split at a ratio of 1:10

On the basis of the resolution passed by the Annual General Meeting held on May 28, 2021, WEB Windenergie AG carried out a stock split at a ratio of 1:10. The reference date was on June 21, 2021.

As a result, every W.E.B share with a nominal value of EUR 100.00 has been divided into ten new shares with a nominal value of EUR 10.00 each. The number of issued shares will thus increase tenfold to 2,884,530 shares. The existing share capital of EUR 28,845,300 remains unchanged. 

Citizen participation is particularly important to CFO Michael Trcka. “The price for which the shares are traded in the Traderoom has increased considerably in past years. We are pleased to have the confidence of investors. However, at the same time the entry-level price of about EUR 1,000 per share is an obstacle for many people. With this stock split we want to already enable a potentially broad spectrum of investors to participate in W.E.B with relatively small amounts. Everyone should have the chance to share in the growth of renewable energies and profit from this development”, he says.

The stock split was already implemented in the Traderoom, the online platform for W.E.B share. The offers and inquiries posted before the split have been correspondingly updated. In this way Traderoom users have the possibility to directly retrieve an updated excerpt from the share register. An updated excerpt from the share register will be sent in the next few days to shareholders who are not Traderoom users.

The Investor Relations Team will be happy to answer any inquiries:
Tel: +43 2848 6336-20

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