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W.E.B Production Results June 2018

07/2018 - Back to overview

Good wind conditions – Production results clearly above target

The overall production of 62,804 MWh was significantly higher than the projected target for the month of June 2018. 

It cannot be denied that wind conditions in June resembled a dramatic composition. For a long time, it seemed as if the stable high-pressure conditions of the previous month would continue. Towards the end of the month, very good wood conditions prevailed, particularly in Austria and the Czech Republic, and led to clearly positive production figures thanks to a catching-up process. Germany and France remained below expectations this time around. Our North American top performers of Canada and the USA also showed clearly positive production results.

The number of hours of sunlight in this month corresponded approximately to the climatological average. In the photovoltaic power segment, the production countries of Austria and Italy were clearly above target thanks to the coming on stream of new facilities. The Czech Republic also showed an above-average performance.

The hydroelectric power segment in Austria and Germany generated less electricity than projected for the month of June. 


Overview based on technology:

Wind power:

  • Total production: +5.2%
  • Wind power plant with best relative results: Nine Mile River +60.5%
  • Wind power plant with the strongest total production: Parker Mountain 732 MWh

Solar power:

  • Total production: +26.5%
  • Best relative plant results: PV Laa I +7.2%

Hydroelectric power:

  • Total production: -17.4%


Production to date:

  • W.E.B production results in June: 62,804 MWh
  • Percentage of annual projections: 48.08%