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Czech Republic

WEB Větrná energie s.r.o.

WEB Větrná energie s.r.o. is based in the Czech city of Brno. It was the company’s second international subsidiary, after WEB Windenergie AG in Germany. The company was founded in 2002 and has since overcome the challenge posed by the lack of incentivized tariffs at the time to successfully establish seven wind farms.


Ríšova 21, 641 00 Brno – Žebětín
IČO: 26282895 | DIČ: CZ 26282895,  

Country Management

Michaela Lužová was born in 1973 and has worked for the company since 2002. She graduated from a correspondence course in textile marketing from the Technical University in Liberec. She has professional experience in marketing and the management of a wholesale textile company. Michaela Lužová has also worked for a Danish company in the field of cooperation and market research. She is married and has two children.

Her motto: It is our responsibility to leave behind a clean, healthy world for future generations. My work with W.E.B. enables me to contribute to this effort. This makes me happy and gives meaning to my life and my work.


Mobil: +420 606 760 742

Studied business administration at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien) and passed the tax consultant examination. She previously worked for PricewaterhouseCoopers and BDO Auxilia Treuhand in Vienna. She joined W.E.B in January 2012.


Telefon: +43 2848 6336 - 65
Mobil: +43 664 845 40 49